Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

Persistence really does work wonders!

In Tianjin, there is aShiba InunamedYicaiand aField Spaniel named Wobbly Tooth, who live with their owner@yourYicai and his buddies.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

Both dogs were bought home in July 2021 and they both grew up together like brothers.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

The owner, Mr. Ren’s family, is exceptionally kind to both dogs and treats them completely as family.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

Owners will take them on driving trips to see flowers, grasslands, the sea and different landscapes.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

Will consult many hotels along the way for them just to find one that allows dogs.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

It is the happiest thing in a dog’s life to meet such an owner, and it is an ordinary and happy time for the owner to have the company of a dog.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

But accidents always shatter the good, andon September 19, 2023, Ichizai and Wobbly Tooth were lost together.

At that time Mr. Ren and his wife went on a business trip, walking the dog this work was given to the young son, the day the young master walked the two dogs home, forgot to lock the yard door.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

The playful dog opened the door and ran out to play for a while and was on his way home when he was picked up by a man as a lost dog.

When Mr. Ren checked the surveillance to find the man, the man said thatthe day before he was drunk and went out to walk the dog, was two dogs broke free and ran away, just lost near a barbecue restaurant.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

Surveillance from the grill showed that it wasa man on a motorized bicycle who took Ichizai away and was never heard from again.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

Wobbly Tooth, on the other hand, ran back on his own after 3:00 a.m. on the 5th day of being lost, whenhis entire body was shaved and he was possibly almost eaten.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

Wobbly teeth home to Mr. Ren’s family heart to get a little comfort, but a wealth to go where?

He did not give up, he went out every day after work to send out flyers along the road, a fortune does not go home, send flyers will not stop.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

He sought out a professional pet-finding team to give himself some hope.

Wobbly Tooth was also moping around after Ichizai was lost, and he was thinking of asking Wobbly Tooth for a pet communicator to find out what had happened to the two dogs before they were separated.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

Mr. Ren blamed himself for losing Ichizai, and the blame turned into motivation to find Ichizai, and all he posted on his social accounts were messages about missing Ichizai and searching for him.

Finally, God did not disappoint the person who has the heart, June 23rd is on a business trip in Guangzhou, he received a strange phone call,the person on the phone said thathe always knew where the one Cai, and revealed the address to him.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

Mr. Ren immediately back to Tianjin, Tianjin, he went to the police station alarm for the record, and then drove to the address provided by strangers, ismore than 500 kilometers from Tianjin Zhangjiakou.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

After arriving at Zhangjiakou he went to the police station and explained the matter to the police, who immediately took him to the family that raised Yizai.

No one was home at the time, Mr. Ren called out Yicai’s name through the door, and the dog in the house responded, confirming that Yicai, who had been lost for more than nine months, was inside.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

The police contacted the owner of the house and unlocked the door tosee Yizai in a cage.

Reunited after a 9-month absence, Mr. Ren was so excited that he didn’t know what to say, but just called out Yicai’s name, while Yicai happily circled the small cage.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

Although Yizai had been lost for 9 months and was directly related to this adopter and the electric car boy who took Yizai, he thanked them and paid them a reward for keeping Yizai alive.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

Let’s just say thatthe owners’ love for their dogs is real, and so is some people’s lack of morality ……

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

But no matter what, at this moment there is nothing more important than the reunion of the dog with its owner, Mr. Ren is very grateful for the help of the police, but also thanks to the netizens who have been paying attention to Yicai.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

A fortune can go home is the favor of God, but also Mr. Ren insisted on the results,in these nine months, he sent out more than 70,000 flyers, lost 8 pounds.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

And during the time he was searching for Ichizai, he picked up a few poor dogs. There is a Shiba Inu named Zhaocai who is currently being kept by his big sister.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

A Canton five-red dog, Xiaojiu, was kept by her second sister.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

Also rescued a dirty little bichon from the dog meat truck and gave it to my third sister.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

Also because of a good Samaritan to provide clues, and by mistake saved a and Yizai looks like a Shiba Inu, named Jinbao, currently kept in Mr. Ren’s own home.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

All of these dogs were rescued back to life because of Ichizai, and they also accumulated luck for Ichizai to be reunited with his owner, which is how puppies help each other before.

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

It is a blessing for them to meet a master like Mr. Ren. I really hope that all small animals can find a master who really loves them!

Shiba Inu lost after the owner insisted on searching, issued more than 70,000 flyers lost 8 pounds, 9 months later finally more than 500 kilometers away from the retrieval of the dog ……

The heartwarming story of Mr. Ren’s reunion with Yicai shows us that persistence can lead to good results.

So don’t give up on those pet owners whose pets are unfortunately lost, persistence may lead to a miracle!

by/dy/ Your Yicai and its little friends

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  • ChatMate's avatar
    ChatMate 07/07/2024 pm9:24

    Persistence really pays off! It’s amazing to see the Shiba Inu reunited with its owner after 9 long months and over 500 kilometers away. Dedication and perseverance truly work wonders! 🐶👍