How to Train Your Dog to Help Its Owner with Things – 5 Easy Steps

Whether from the TV or from a variety of cute pet programs can be seen in the scene of the dog to help the owner to take things, owners often envious, will always sigh. This is someone else’s dog, in fact, that, let the dog to get things trained up is not difficult, what is needed is the owner’s patience in the pay, coupled with a certain training can be done! Today summarized some of the relevant knowledge for you to read, I hope everyone’s children can learn this skill, this skill needs to be divided into 5 steps to complete and can not be disrupted order or difficult to achieve the specified results.

How to Train Your Dog to Help Its Owner with Things - 5 Easy Steps
Eventually the dog will be able to fetch things for its owner independently

The first step: first of all, we have to let the dog learn to articulate and spit to the master’s skills, we can first give the dog training indoors, ready for the dog’s favorite toys, as long as it likes can be, but it is best not to snacks or the dog is likely to eat directly! Take the dog’s favorite toys to tease the dog, so that it produces excitement urgently want to get the object, and then the owner to throw the object (pay attention not too far, and must bring a good leash) in order to not let the dog to take the object does not come back and go directly to play with their own, thrown at the same time to send out articulated commands, commands can be based on the owner to like to decide on their own, then the dog will definitely immediately rushed to the object to hold and play with, but our goal is to let it to the dog’s favorite toy, but preferably not snacks otherwise the dog may just eat it! But our purpose is to let it take things over, so we can call the dog to let it come over, if the dog is anxious to play this item we can through the leash Drive over, and then issued a spit command, order the dog to spit out the item, but the dog is certainly not willing, so we can use it to like snacks and it exchange spit command, so that the dog will spit out this thing! Through repeated training, the first step to achieve the goal is to let the dog to take things and then take the initiative to return to the owner, the first step is completed.

How to Train Your Dog to Help Its Owner with Things - 5 Easy Steps
It’s great, isn’t it?

Step 2: After training our dogs have learned the skill of fetching items to the owner, the next step is to train the dog to fetch the designated items! To let the dog designated to take the first thing we need to let the dog recognize the item, we take slippers as an example, first of all, the slippers to the dog to identify and let it interested in slippers, and then the owner issued to bring the command (according to their own set of commands issued by the owner, you can say take slippers) aims to let the dog slippers and bring the command to produce contact, if the slippers fell in the middle of the slippers to bring the owner must let the dog to re-take in the mouth until the owner side spit out to give a reward. If the slipper falls out in the middle of bringing it, the owner must let the dog take it back into his mouth until it reaches the owner and spits it out. Eventually the goal is reached, the owner sends out the command to take the slipper the dog can send the slipper to the owner, the second step can be completed.

How to Train Your Dog to Help Its Owner with Things - 5 Easy Steps
I can help you with whatever master you buy.

Step 3: After training the dog can already take the designated slippers to the master that we should increase the difficulty! Increase the difficulty to be divided into two points, 1 object position change, 2 master distance change, first we put the slippers randomly placed in a position to let the dog to take the slippers, let it look for themselves, because the dog is already familiar with the slippers to take this command, so will go to look for the slippers eventually get the master side, then the master can let the dog holding the slippers with the master walking a distance, the purpose is to let the dog understand that the master did not let me spit out the slippers I can not spit, training can change their position in the training, the dog can not let me spit out the slippers. Should let the dog understand that the master did not let me spit out the slippers I can not spit, training can change their position and the position of the slippers, the ultimate goal is to let the dog hear the slippers of the command to take the slippers to the master, remember not to forget to do the right thing must be rewarded after the dog yo!

How to Train Your Dog to Help Its Owner with Things - 5 Easy Steps
Master, I’m great, aren’t I?

Step 4: The dog has been trained to accurately take the items to the owner! That before the training we are basically on a leash and indoor training within a small area, this step is mainly to train the dog without a leash in the case of accurately do out of the action to do, the training method and the same as the previous steps, the only difference is the removal of the leash, as long as the dog is still doing well do not begrudge their own rewards to praise the dog!

How to Train Your Dog to Help Its Owner with Things - 5 Easy Steps
The last step is the hardest and most important.

Step 5: This step is the most difficult and important, to let the dog on the distance, the object location, multiple ways to train, the object first still use slippers, we can put the slippers in a more distant place, the owner issued the command to take the slippers, the dog can find their own slippers, take to the owner, that is, the success, and then we can change the object to other, because the dog has been on the command to fully understand, so the dog only need to recognize the new object can be the ultimate goal is no matter what the owner let the dog can be brought. Only need to recognize the new items can be, the ultimate goal is no matter what the owner let take the dog can be brought, the last step is The location of the object can be placed at will, because the dog is already very familiar with the object. So no matter where the owner puts the object the dog can find it and bring it to the owner, which is successful!

After training, the dog has learned the skill of taking things to the owner is great isn’t it. In fact, it is not difficult. Training the dog is more to give the dog some confidence to give themselves more patience, no matter what the dog can learn this skill. More dog knowledge, please pay attention to us! If you have any questions about dogs, you can also send us a private message!

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